D2C Takeover

Direct-to-Consumer is Taking Off! 🚀

Our unique D2C approach helps your logistics process overcome challenges through an agile solution implementation that results in a competitive advantage in the long run.

Today’s Ecommerce World

„E-commerce is a must, as customers expect the best possible user experience.“

The typical distribution model has to be challenged since it cannot keep up with the ongoing ecommerce trends and user expectation. Companies who do not provide seamless online shopping experiences are left to always catch up to competitors. Convenience is key.

On top of online shopping trends, quarantine, lockdowns, and risk of infection motivated people to spend more time at home. During the Pandemic, global ecommerce completed 5 years’ worth of growth in just a couple of months. (IBM) From live support to contactless deliveries, these new habits of purchasing required new experiences to be developed.

The effects of a pandemic are expected to remain with us, even after subsequent waves. People will be reluctant to return to the old ways of shopping.

The 3PL Dilemma

„No real economies of scale with 3PL.“

In the last 3 years, the average cost of one square meter warehouse space grew by 10 euros. The same goes for the hourly salary rate of warehouse staff and management as it showed an increase as well.

3PL providers overcame the increase in costs by increasing their prices, which reflected in the average corporate profit of 3PL companies, hitting 9.77% in 2020. These 3PL costs can be saved by companies and turned to the operations of direct-to-consumer shipping.

In the case that a company has a warehouse, process optimization and hiring additional staff workers can be a considerably quick shift and can result in a more cost-effective operation.

What’s the Challenge exactly?

Companies usually serve their B2B customers directly. As this routine works well in normal circumstances, adding D2C logistics will not have a large difference.

The challenge lies in adding D2C logistics to the B2B operations. The main ones lie in quick delivery, great customer experience, and high returns rate.

The 7 Agile Steps to D2C-Proof Your Warehouse

With an existing warehouse infrastructure, delivering online orders directly to your customer is the next level of operations. The Direct-to-Consumer Takeover model and approach simplify the complex process of setting up a D2C distribution channel.

  1. Increase picking efficiency by selecting the optimal method for each process
  2. Enable continuous delivery creation
  3. Group orders which should be processed alike
  4. Build a fast lane through your warehouse
  5. Allow real flexibility and transparency
  6. Accelerate the outflow with a pack-and-go process
  7. Build a complete returns process in the warehouse

Find out how to take over your direct-2-customer distribution and stop being dependent on 3PLs. Contact us and we will give you one free consultation session to turn our solution proposal into your opportunity. Access the full white paper here.


Den Flow starten.

Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine kostenlose Erstberatung. Implementieren Sie mit uns einen schnelleren, faireren und flexibleren Logistikprozess.

flowprime GmbH
Im Altenschemel 86
67435 Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße